Educational Resources

Get access to GPUs and compute resources for your classroom

The National Research Platform provides a convenient way for educators to access GPUs and other compute resources for their classrooms. Whether you are teaching a course on machine learning, data science, or high-performance computing, the NRP can help you provide your students with the resources they need.

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Educational features of the NRP

The NRP offers many features that are useful for educators. Here are some of the key features of the platform:

Hosted JupyterHub

No need to create your own JupyterHub, you can use the NRP's hosted JupyterHub to run your notebooks and share them with your students.

Private JupyterHub

If you prefer to have your own private JupyterHub, the NRP can help you set one up for your classroom. Private JupyterHub allows you to customize the environment to meet your specific needs.

Coder Hosted IDE

Coder is a powerful web-based integrated development environment, based on VS Code, that allows you to write, run, and debug code in the cloud. The NRP provides a hosted version of Coder that you can use in your classroom.

Hosted LLM Service

The NRP provides a hosted LLM service with many open models to choose from.

Access to GPUs

The NRP provides access to modern GPUs for use in your classroom. Whether you are teaching a course on machine learning, data science, or high-performance computing, the NRP can help you provide your students with the resources they need.

Contact Us for More Information

If you are interested in learning more about how the NRP can help you provide resources for your classroom, please contact us at [email protected]