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Deploy JupyterHub

This guide is based on Zero to Jupyter guide with stuff specific to Nautilus cluster. You must be the admin of the namespace you’re deploying to.

Start from choosing the name for your project. It will look like

Register CiLogon application

Register your application at

Set the callback url to

Client Type: Confidential

Scopes: org.cilogon.userinfo,openid,profile,email

Refresh Tokens: No

Save the client ID and Secret.

Create the namespace

Create a namespace for your project on Nautilus portal and annotate it with all information.

Install helm and download the helm chart

Follow the install guide, and use this template for the config:

  1. Run openssl rand -hex 32 and replace the secret_token in the yaml file with the generated key
  2. Minimally set the client_id, client_secret, admin_users, secret_token, oauth_callback_url, ingress.hosts fields.
  3. Add security with either allowed_idps or allowed_users. Do NOT leave your JupyterHub instance open for anyone to sign in, this may result in locking of your namespace.
  4. helm repo add jupyterhub && helm repo update
  5. helm upgrade --cleanup-on-fail --install jhub jupyterhub/jupyterhub --namespace <namespace> --version=3.3.7 --values config.yaml

Once the pods start, you should be able to see the installation under your selected name.

Automatic deployment

You can put your JupyterHub configuration in GitLab and automatically redeploy the application on repository changes. Please refer to this guide for details.