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Cleaning up

Please purge any data you don’t need. We’re not an archival storage, and can only store the data actively used for computations.

Any volume that was not accessed for 6 months can be purged without notification.

POSIX volumes

Most persistent data in Kubernetes comes in a form of Persistent Volumes (PV), which can only be seen by cluster admins. To request a PV, you have to create a PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) of a supported StorageClass in your namespace, which will allocate storage for you.

Provided filesystems

Credit: Combined filesystems

How to choose which filesystem to use

Read the High I/O jobs guide on optimizing your storage performance.

RBD (Rados Block Device) is similar to a normal hard drive as it implements block storage on top of Ceph, and can run many kinds of file I/O operations including small files. Thus, it may accommodate conda/pip installation and code compilation. It can also provide higher IOPS than CephFS, but overall read/write performance tends to be slower than CephFS because it is less parallelized. Optimal read/write performance can be achieved when using a program or library that supports librados or when you code your own program using the library. Use this for housing databases or workloads that require quick response but not necessarily high read/write rates. It shares the storage pool with CephFS, therefore being the largest storage pool in Nautilus.

CephFS is a distibuted parallel filesystem which stores files as objects. It cannot handle lots of small files rapidly because it has to use metadata servers for annotating the files. Thus, conda/pip and code compilation should not be performed over CephFS. However, it has a much higher read/write performance than RBD, especially if you are able to open multiple parallel streams to a file and aggregate many small files to a few large files. CephFS has the largest storage pool in Nautilus, and thus it is suitable for workloads that deal with comparably larger files than RBD which requires high I/O performance, for example checkpoint files of various tasks. There is a per-file size limit of 16 TB in CephFS.

CVMFS provides read-only access to data on OSDF origins via a set of OSDF caches, that can be mapped as a PVC to the pods. The access is read-only, and this is mostly used for rarely changing large files collections, like software packages and large training datasets.

Linstor provides the fastest and the smallest latency block storage, but can’t handle large (>10TB) volumes. Can be used for VM images, high-loaded databases, etc.

Linstor is the only block storage that can recover from a node that mounts the storage going offline - the pod will be migrated to another node. In case of Ceph it will be stuck until the node is back online. This is good for services requiring HA.

Comparison of Linstor vs Ceph by Linstor

Ceph provides an S3-compatible protocol interface (with a per-file size limit of 5 TiB). This is a native object storage protocol that can supply the maximum read/write performance. It uses the HTTP protocol instead of POSIX, if your tool supports the protocol instead of only POSIX file I/O. Many data science tools and libraries support the S3-compatible protocol as an alternative file I/O interface, and the protocol is well optimized for such purposes.

S3 storage doesn’t use PVCs, and can be accessed directly by applications.

Creating and mounting the PVC

Use kubectl to create the PVC:

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: examplevol
storageClassName: <required storage class>
- <access mode, f.e. ReadWriteOnce >
storage: <volume size, f.e. 20Gi>

After you’ve created a PVC, you can see its status (kubectl get pvc pvc_name). Once it has the Status Bound, you can attach it to your pod (claimName should match the name you gave your PVC):

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: vol-pod
- name: vol-container
image: ubuntu
args: ["sleep", "36500000"]
- mountPath: /examplevol
name: examplevol
restartPolicy: Never
- name: examplevol
claimName: examplevol

Using the right region for your pod

Latency significantly affects the I/O performance. If you want optimal access speed to Ceph, add the region affinity to your pod for the correct region (us-east, us-west, etc):

- matchExpressions:
- key:
operator: In
- us-west

You can list the nodes region label using: kubectl get nodes -L,

Volumes expanding

All volumes created starting from December 2020 can be expanded by simply modifying the storage field of the PVC (either by using kubectl edit pvc ..., or kubectl update -f updated_pvc_definition.yaml)

For older ones, all rook-ceph-block-* and most rook-cephfs-* volumes can be expanded. If yours is not expanding, you can ask cluster admins to do it in manual mode.