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Knowledge Base

Get involved in NRP

  1. Check out to understand terms, tools, and capabilities common to R&E networking performance measurement and monitoring.
  2. Review materials and videos from 2017 and 2018 National Research Platform Workshops at
  3. Familiarize yourself with tools that the National Engagement Performance and Outreach Center at IU EPOC has to offer.
  4. Discover a regional Research & Education network in your area to collaborate with and plan for cyberinfrastructure capabilities in your region.
  5. Deploy perfSONAR node and participate in at least one multi-institutional perfSONAR mesh that tests network performance
  6. Engage with Campus champions, CI facilitator, and/or other campus resources to identify campus scientific research and education drivers
  7. Participate in broader community conversations:
    • Weekly NRP technical calls (open to all) every Thursday at 10:00 AM Pacific/1:00 PM Eastern. Sign up at list info.
    • check out the NRP Matrix channel
    • Campus Cyberinfrastructure Technical community calls. Sign-up for [email protected] mail list hosted by Jason Zurawski at ESnet.