The 1st NSF Data Infrastructure Building Blocks PI Workshop (DIBBs17) will be held January 11-12, 2017, at the Westin Arlington Gateway Hotel in Arlington, VA . This is an invitation-only event, limited to 2 attendees (PI or Co-PI) per DIBBs project that is active at the time of invitation. The goals of the workshop are to exchange results and lessons learned from the ~40 currently active projects that have been funded through DIBBs solicitations (NSF 12-557, NSF 14-530, NSF 15-534, and NSF 16-530), and consider the implications of project results across the existing research portfolio for advances in the vision and goals for data cyberinfrastructure. Prior to the workshop, each project will provide a poster and white paper. The Program Committee will use these inputs to form the panels, small group discussions, and organize a Poster Reception. All active DIBBs projects are encouraged to participate in DIBBs17.
DIBBs posters and white papers are due 12/12. Both are required. One paper and one poster per project is sufficient. Posters should identify the most significant successes to date (advances in science, innovative technologies, new capabilities for the community, major findings, or similar topics). White papers (maximum 1-page) should identify the most significant challenge encountered and the solution, and remaining challenges and future directions. The poster format is 36H”x48W” (PDF, plus bring your poster to the workshop). The white paper format is 11 pt. Times New Roman (PDF). Please put your NSF award no., project title, and PI at the top of your poster and white paper.