Amy Walton - NSF’s Computational Ecosystem for 21st Century Science & Engineering

Frank WĂĽrthwein - NRP and the Path forward

Panel: The Missing Millions Democratizing Computation and Data to Bridge Digital Divides and Increase Access to Science for Underrepresented Communitiesd

Larry Smarr - NRP Application Drivers

Democratizing Science through Cyberinfrastructure - Manish Parashar

Built around answering questions

Open Force Field: Scavenging pre-emptible CPU hours in the age of COVID - Jeff Wagner

Panel: Open Infrastructure for an Open Society: OSG, Commercial Clouds, and Bring-Your-Own-Resources

Panel: Future Wireless Extensions of Regional Optical Networks

Panel: Open Infrastructure for an Open Society: OSG, Commercial Clouds, and Bring-Your-Own-Resources

Andrew Wiedlea - Wireless FasterData and Distributed Open Compute

Panel: The Global Research Platform: An Overview

The Asia Pacific and Korea Research Platforms: An Overview Jeonghoon Moon

The GNA-G Data Intensive Science Working Group - Harvey Newman

The Global Research Platform: Initiatives and Events - Maxine Brown

Panel: Building the NRP Ecosystem with the Regional Networks on their Campuses

Panel: NRP Science Impacts

Panel Discussion: Engaging underrepresented technologists, researchers, and educators in the NRP ecosystem

Panel: Reaching More Minority Serving Institutions